Discover the power of alternative therapies in soothing eczema, reducing inflammation, and fostering overall skin wellness. We often hear the saying, “You are what you eat,” but did you know that you might also be what you feel? Our emotions...
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Did you know your skin’s been eavesdropping on your thoughts this whole time? And it probably doesn't like what it's hearing. You've likely heard of the mind-body axis, where your thoughts, emotions, and mental health can impact your physical wellbeing. Basically, being stuck in...
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Sometimes we can be our own biggest obstacle when it comes to healing, especially when you're dealing with eczema or any other skin flare-up. Here are ways to stop sabotaging your own healing: Stick to a simple skincare routine Often,...
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When your skin is acting up, the most powerful healing might come from the inside out. The best remedy might not be found in a product—but in your mindset. These 6 books are completely unrelated to skincare, but focus on mindfulness, mind over...
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